Monday, May 16, 2016


Today I am grateful for:
My loving husband.
My supportive family.
A good job.
A great community.
Awesome friends.
Silly cats.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Desert car washing

We have rarely washed our cars in the past...

Embarrassing? Yes.

Now that we have a new car any little speck of dust drives us crazy. We never thought we would be "those people". Seeing as we live in the desert it only takes a few days between washes to notice those specks of dirt.

My loving husband is washing the car as I write. This post is totally random, but so am I!

Also notice in the picture that it is 100° at 7 in the evening in May.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

BuJo ESO #Nerd

In the real world being passionate about planners and video games makes you a #nerd. What would I be if I found a way to combine these passions?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Birthdays and Normalcy

Today is my 27th birthday. We went out with friends Saturday to a Hibachi grill, bought an ice cream cake last night, and spent the entire weekend in Tamriel adventuring together.

When people ask me what I am planning to do for my birthday or what I am getting I think of two responses.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


Skyrim was one of my all time favorite games. My husband and I had two set ups in the same room so we could quest side by side. I remember multiple conversations with the topic of questing together in our game.